Listening Inwardly

Scripture Reading - Revelation 3:13 The Amplified Bible

He who can hear, let him listen to and heed what the Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).

As we continue on our “Listening” series in this lesson we will highlight “listening to the inner witness”. In the previous lesson we spoke primarily about loving God by spending time with God’s Word because you have a genuine and pure heart to know God better. We said as you develop in your understanding of God through His Holy Word you will also mature in your fellowship with God. This goes much further because having started with the fundamental teachings of God’s Word you then can learn about God in stages. For example as babes in Christ we tend to be very ignorant spiritually to His Word and His Ways. Yes, just like little babes today we are very limited in their knowledge of the issues of life. Likewise the babies in Christ are mainly carnal minded with very limited spiritual knowledge of God. Yes, many babes in Christ are saved and they know that Jesus died for their sins and they also know that God loves them but they probably would not be able to teach publically due to their lack of knowledge. As the Word of God becomes more and more engrafted into our thinking we start seeing God more clearly for who He Is and who we are in Him. This developmental stage could be considered teenage. As teenagers in Christ we are settled in the fundamentals of the doctrine of Christ and we do produce some good fruit. The teenager has some times of solid advice and good understanding of God spiritually. However, there are times when they (teenagers) just flat miss it, they presume God is going in a direction He is not or they sometimes think God is speaking something that the Word of God doesn’t endorse. They can sometimes be roller coaster Christians that are emotionally unstable at times due to the conflict of trying to please their peers (other men or women) over God. As the adulthood of Christianity develops within us we show the world a more consistent Light of Christ. The adult in Christ not only understands the fundamentals of the doctrine of Jesus Christ but they can teach those doctrines to others. The adult of Christ can also show a more steady demonstration of living like Jesus while upon this earth. Does this mean they go around doing signs and wonders? No, it means they display the fruit of the spirit with the knowledge of God’s Word to show a more accurate picture of God to those in the world. On that thought we bring to you the “witness of God”. This “witness” is present as soon as you become born-again as mentioned in Romans 8:16, “The Spirit itself (Himself) beareth “witness” with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” This generally means the Holy Spirit living inside of you will “bear witness” to the truth of God coming into your heart. Yes to say this another way is that, “The voice of God can be measured in words and it can also be measured by spiritual impression”. When we (ihlcc) use the word impression we are speaking of the unction of God, thus “the witness”. Some could call this the knowing in your heart that this is right or that this is going to turn out right. Some refer to this as a good feeling of peace in your soul. The “inner witness” can be referred to as several names but we in this teaching are calling them all the “witness of God”. The reason we are speaking on this is because the children of God must learn how to “listen to the witness of God” to properly develop in Christ Jesus. We grow in God by following His Word, basically being a doer of the Word of God not just a hearer. Amen. Therefore doing the word of God when we take God literary when seeing the scripture that shows us we need to make a change in the Holy Bible is the right start but there is more to God to finish your course in Christ Jesus. Yes, doing what you just read in the Holy Bible is heading in the right direction but to complete your calling to do God’s Perfect will on earth requires understanding the “inner witness of God” because without following the witness of the Holy Spirit you hinder God’s leadings, His Holy Promptings. Know that along with obedience to God’s Written Word we must also learn what scriptures to apply to certain situations at the right time and what makes one job better for you than another one. Oh sure, some could say it doesn’t matter where you work to God but that would be incorrect because if it matters to you and your family believe us, our faith friend, it matters to God. Remember, God had a certain will for both Peter and Paul, so although both of them had previous jobs The Lord called them both to work for Him, not just any job they wanted to do. We (ihlcc) believe that following “the witness of God” will lead you in the right direction when God’s Word doesn’t specifically tell you what to do or if the Word of God gives you several options. Like in our previous example God said to work in 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 but it does not tell you which job nor does it mention exactly how long you should work at each job you have. Generally speaking the Word of God gives us the foundation (the principles) but we get the details as we follow “the witness of God”. This “inward witness” will “bear witness” to the scriptures concerning what scriptures can be used for your specific situation you are dealing with at the present time but even more than that this “inner witness” will also “bear witness” to what is right and pleasing in God’s sight. Who is your right soul mate unto death as opposed to just settling for a temporary partner? God knows and The Lord wants you to know too. This “witness” will inform you of people’s intentions if you listen for it. The “inner witness” is the behind the scenes director that teaches us to let the peace of God rule in our heart so we must be diligent to “listen inwardly”, just as much as we study God’s Word. We (ihlcc) will never have (or know, or share) all the answers for your life because no single person will but we can assure you that following God Holy Written Word and listening in your heart for the confirmation of the “inner witness” will allow you to discern God’s Good, Acceptable and Perfect will for your life. So be encouraged and be sensitive to God by looking at the scriptures first and then “listening to the witness of God within” to confirm all truth and remove all doubts. Yes, the foundation for truth is definitely established in God’s Holy Word but the details of how, when and where can all be obtained by “Listening Inwardly” in Jesus Name. Amen! Just remember your spirit calls out to God because you have “a witness” that He Is our personal Father right now and we believe you do enjoy fellowship with Jesus Christ and other Christians because you believe in your heart by “the witness of God” they too are good people. Therefore, this same “witness” is available for all areas of your life you just need to acknowledge God in all your ways so that He can direct your way and one of those ways is “listening inwardly to the witness of God”. As a statement of truth if you don’t train-up your spirit in the pure and living Word of God that always operates on the motive of love you may not be able to interpret “the witness of God” on a consistent basis because the “witness of truth” needs an environment of truth to operate. This means truth in your heart, truth in your mind and truth between yourself and God because any other motive outside of love basically means you are speaking to God about your future instead of “listening inwardly” for your future. We love you and God loves you so much so purpose every day and all during the day to “listen inwardly” because God always has good information to share with His Beloved Children who are open (meek and humble) and ready (in position, checking their heart) to hear from (or listen to) Him in Jesus Name. Amen!